It is said that addiction is a family disease. Why is that? Because a loved one’s active addiction affects everyone in the family. Whether mentally, spiritually, or even physically the people who love the addict are devastatingly affected. During my 9 years of active alcohol addiction, I didn’t mean to hurt my loved ones, but I did. My parents, my four children (whom I adore), my brother and his wife, my sister and my former wife all experienced pain, worry, anxiety, anger, sadness, and fear and you can add a lot more to that list. They suffered from my disease, or my mental disorder if you prefer, just as much as I did.

But here is the good news! Once I recovered from my disease, my family recovered with me. Addiction is a family disease but Recovery is a family solution. My sobriety date is June 5, 2013. On that day, by the Grace of God and the Love of my family, I was able to finally press the stop button and get off the elevator that was plunging me into the depths of hell. Since then, my relationships with the people I love the most on this earth, my family, have been restored. I cannot tell you how blessed I am. I have a fire in my heart to help other people like me and their families Recover. It’s why I do what I do. I hope that this short but heartfelt blog gives someone hope and encouragement. Change is possible. Take courage and take action. My love to you all.

Joe Ortiz
Certified CRAFT Method
Certified Break Free Method


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